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Improve your knowledge about cooperatives by doing the FREE online My.COOP training; the online interactive self-paced course.

Duration: approximately 5 hours.



There are many possibilities to involve youth; we collected all ideas from our kick-off workshops and youth groups. Also have a look at our youth groups stories and check this document to get inspired.


Convincing the youth to join a cooperative is not always easy, look at this example from Rwanda and this one from the Netherlands to learn what approch they had. 


We also collected many ideas from you and those which were shared during workshops, which you can find here.

how to set up

a youth council



We strongly advise that youth always starts with organising activities/small projects and that they find out what lives among young members before they start a youth council. If you came to the moment that you're ready for that next step, this document can help you how to set-up a youth council.


how to organise a youth exchange


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We have seen that exchanges offer the youth many new perspectives, ideas and help them to develop themselves and their projects. That why we motivate groups to organise low-cost exchanges. This set-up can help you to organise one.



how to start with
farm succession



how to write

a grand proposal


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You can use this document to create clarity about your project and think about it in a structured way. Besides that, it can be helpful to fill in a grant application.

The topic of land inheritance and succession is often a taboo. Agriterra supports guiding discussions on succession planning at cooperative and household level and assists farmer organisations in identifying gaps in local land rights and inheritance laws. These insights will serve as input for a youth lobby agenda that favours the position of women and young farmers.

Take a look at this video about an exchange programme on farm succession or check out this document.​

Let's help each other!

We will always keep on learning, on Facebook we collect ideas, suggestions and solutions for burning questions. 

But we also keep developping our programme, let us know which challenges you face or which subjects we need to pay attention to.




Agriterra 2020

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